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5 Fun Organizational Tools

We all have so many things to take care of in our work and personal lives that it may be incredibly hard to stay organized at times. There are many things you can do about this. For instance, you can set up habits and pathways to achieve the ultimate level of organization whether it’s at home, at school, or in the workplace. You can even sign up for courses on how to be more organized, get admissions counseling that will help you become a better student, and watch tutorials that can help you overcome those organizational hurdles.

While being organized is a hard thing to do, many people have become experts in the field, so it’s not an impossible task. You can become good at organizing your life and work. The idea is to use the right tools that make sense and make life easier for you. Here are some of the most popular and fun organizational tools that can benefit you no matter where you are.

1. Google Docs

One of the best things you can do at work if you have a lot of documents to go through is to work with Google Docs. Google Docs will help you keep track of your documents wherever you are in the world. You can create your own content and make notes within them to keep you on track. Google docs will help you gain easy access to your documents with its global search so you can always know where everything is.

2. Color-Coded Folders

Color-coded custom pocket folders will also help you get organized. Color-coding anything will give you better visuals of how things look among your belongings. Durable and personalized pocket folders can help keep track of your data in different groups. For example, you can use green folders for financial things at home or blue folders for completed projects at your work. Having visuals of your important documents will make it faster for you to find what you need.

3. Basecamp

Another technique you can use to stay organized is Basecamp. Basecamp can help you manage your projects, workgroups, and client work. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can share your files with others within the same project and schedule appointments or events. You can also add milestones to your projects to stay on top of your work.

4. Trello

Moreover, you can use Trello to keep you on top of smaller tasks within different projects. It uses the Kanban table method to organize your thoughts and progress. You can create cards for each of your projects and create simplified tasks that you can easily drag and drop into “in progress” or “completed” statuses for easy visualization. You can take control of your projects at home or at work and streamline the management of each of them. Trello is completely free and easy to get the hang of, so you can get started on your organization as soon as you start using the app.

5. Microsoft OneNote

Lastly, Microsoft’s OneNote is another powerful tool that can help you become more productive. OneNote is like having binders to keep all of your notes, emails, meeting minutes, graphs, and tables. It lets you take notes and share them with others as well as integrating them with other Microsoft products like Outlook and PowerPoint. You can also import PDFs, images, presentations, and other documents into OneNote so you can keep all your documents in one single place.

These tools will help you reach your personal and professional goals with a bit of organization and a whole lot of logic.

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